Monthly Test of CFB Esquimalt's Mass Notification System - August 5
July 30, 2020
The monthly test of CFB Esquimalt's Mass Notification System will take place on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 11:00am for approximately one minute.
Residents may hear sirens and verbal messages from the speakers mounted on tall poles in the Dockyard, Naden and Work Point in Esquimalt. Due to a variety of environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity and wind direction it is possible that the sirens will be heard in neighbouring municipalities.
Because CFB Esquimalt covers a large area, this system will be an invaluable tool during an emergency for communicating important information to base employees, contractors and those visiting our facilities.
During the monthly tests two tones plus a message will be used - the 'test tone' (alternating tone), a message in English and French and the 'all clear' tone (similar to Westminster chime). Audio files are available on the Maritime Forces Pacific website.
Routine one minute tests will take place on a monthly basis at 11:00am on the first Wednesday of each month.
Associated Links (click on MNS tab)
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