Mayor's Message


We are living through unprecedented times at the moment and navigating previously uncharted territory. The world has changed so much in the last few weeks and the situation is unfolding faster than any of us thought possible. Who could have imagined public safety measures would include closing playgrounds and that we would need to keep friends and even family at a two metre distance? We’re on unfamiliar terrain, to be sure.

Our municipal buildings are closed but, be assured, staff are inside working on your behalf and available by telephone, email or video conference to answer your questions. We have an excellent and professional staff and our emergency responders are vigilant in working to keep us safe. Services that you rely on, such as garbage pickup, are carrying on. 

Council members are engaged electronically and working at a distance. We are moving towards a bylaw that will allow Council members to participate electronically and have set up Council Chambers for social distancing. We will not be holding public hearings on any rezoning proposals for the next while and items that we anticipate will generate significant community interest will not be put forward for Council consideration at this time.

The provincial and federal governments have announced many measures to provide financial assistance. Municipalities are asking the Province to revise the regular July due date for property taxes, with a view to moving the due date to the fall. Anything we learn on that front or other help with property taxes, will be communicated out as soon as possible. We are aware of the incredible challenges and disruptions facing our residents and local businesses and we will do all that we can to aid in recovery. 

Meanwhile, it is imperative that we all follow the directives and advice of Dr. Bonnie Henry, our Provincial Health Officer, and her federal counterpart, Dr. Theresa Tam. 

I am personally concerned for the well-being of those in our community who need extra help and support, including our seniors.  Please take the time to check in on your neighbours, from an appropriate distance of course. Many people will be truly isolated just now, and a simple call can make a difference. 

I am proud of how our staff, Council, police, and fire department have risen to the challenge presented by this situation. 

Stay home and stay well everyone.

Collectively, we shall get through this.  

Best regards,

David Screech