Business Licences
A business licence is required to own or operate a business in View Royal. There are a number of different business licences available.
Types of Business Licences
Licence Type: | Description: |
Apartment, Pub or Liquor Store | To operate an apartment, pub or liquor store. |
Bed & Breakfast | To operate a Bed & Breakfast. See Section 4.3 of the Zoning Bylaw for additional requirements for this business type. |
Commercial | To operate a business in a specific commercial location. |
Home Occupation |
To operate a business in your residence.
Inter-municipal | To carry out work throughout Greater Victoria on different sites (eg. trades, personal services, contract work). |
Inter-community | To carry out work in communities all over Vancouver Island including Greater Victoria. View a list of participating communities |
Non-Resident | If you are from outside Greater Victoria, but need to work in View Royal for a specific job (i.e. generally construction or contracts that are not ongoing but for a specific job until completion). |
How do I apply for a business licence?
To apply for a business licence, you will need to submit a completed business licence application form along with the application fee. Depending on the type of licence you are applying for, you may also be required to submit supplemental documents (eg. parking plan) and permit applications. These requirements can be found listed specifically with the information about the specific licence you would like to obtain.
- Download and complete the Business Licence Application Form;
- Bring the completed forms, along with your payment (cash/cheque/debit/credit), into Town Hall (45 View Royal Ave).
*Please note that for all business licence applications, the location of a business must be a physical address where the owner/operator can be contacted directly. An application with a business location using a post office box or storage unit will not be accepted.
How can I renew my business licence?
Business licences are valid for the calendar year January 1st to December 31st regardless of application date. Licence renewals are sent out each year in November. Renewal payment is due no later than January 31st of the renewal year. A late fee will be applied for all outstanding licences on February 1st of each year. The minimum late fee is $25.00.
To renew your business licence, payments can be made:
- Online: register to pay online by credit card via Online Services.
- In Person: cash, cheque, debit or credit cards are accepted at Town Hall (note: we are unable to take payments over the phone).
- Drop Box: place your cash/cheque and supporting documents in an envelope and place it in the drop box (to the left of the main doors at Town Hall). Please indicate if you would like a receipt mailed to you.
Fines for Operating Without a Licence
Businesses found to be operating without a valid business licence will be fined no less than $100.00/day until such time as the licence is obtained or business activities cease.
What about signage for my business?
If you would like to use signage for your business, please refer to the Sign Bylaw and apply for a Sign Permit.
Be sure to apply for a sign permit BEFORE erecting or ordering any signage. There may be requirements around the type of signage, sign placement, size, letter heights and illumination.
Additional Information
BC Small Business Rebates Information
BC Disatster Preparedness & Resources for Business Information
- Business Licensing