Alternative Approval Process
Under the Community Charter, local governments such as the Town of View Royal may use an Alternative Approval Process (AAP) to directly engage citizens about a proposed bylaw or other matter requiring elector approval.
The AAP allows electors to indicate whether they are against a local government proposal moving forward for various municipal matters such as boundary extensions, long-term borrowing, changes to municipal classification, and disposal of park land.
The Town of View Royal is considering the sale of two properties adjacent to Mill Hill Regional Park to the Capital Regional District (CRD). These properties are currently dedicated as park land and would be placed under a covenant to ensure the properties are used only for park purposes, protected and preserved substantially in their natural state, and managed and maintained as part of the regional park system once they are owned by the CRD. Proceeds from the sale would be placed to the credit of a reserve fund for future park land acquisition.
The Town of View Royal has prepared two bylaws to authorize the disposition of these properties:
- Disposition of Park Land Bylaw No. 1090, 2022 [PDF - 301 KB]; and
- Disposition of Park Land Bylaw No. 1091, 2022 [PDF - 431 KB].
Prior to Council's adoption of these bylaws, the Community Charter requires elector approval of the adoption of the bylaws to proceed with the disposition of park land to the CRD. Council has chosen the Alternative Approval Process to obtain elector approval.
2022 04 05 Council Report [PDF - 2 MB]
The Alternative Approval Process
The AAP gives electors the opportunity to indicate they do not want Council to adopt the bylaws to proceed with the disposition of park land to the CRD.
Elector Eligibility and Applicable Area:
- To participate in the AAP, the elector must be located in the applicable area and meet the criteria to sign an Alternative Approval Elector Response Form [PDF - 331 KB] as a resident elector or non-resident property elector (see Form for eligibility criteria);
- This AAP applies to the entire area of the Town of View Royal.
For the purpose of this AAP, Council has determined there are 9,655 electors in the Town of View Royal. Unless the Town of View Royal receives Alternative Approval Elector Response Forms petitioning against the bylaw from at least 10% of eligible electors (966) within the Town of View Royal by the deadline of Tuesday, May 24, 2022 at 4:30pm, Bylaw No. 1090, 2022 and Bylaw No. 1091, 2022 will be deemed to have received the approval of the electors and Council may proceed with consideration of adoption of the bylaws for disposition.
Alternative Approval Elector Response Forms
Elector responses must be given in the form approved by View Royal Council.
Elector Response Forms are available as follows:
- Online:
- In person:
- View Royal Town Hall, 45 View Royal Avenue
8:30am - 4:30pm, Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays
The deadline for submitting an Alternative Approval Elector Response Form to the Town of View Royal is 4:30pm on Tuesday, May 24, 2022.
Electors may submit a completed Alternate Approval Elector Response Form through one of the following methods:
- By mail or in person:
Town of View Royal, Attention: Corporate Officer
45 View Royal Avenue
Victoria, BC V9B 1A5 - By fax: 250-727-9551
- By email:
- Sarah Jones, Corporate Officer
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