Rezoning Applications


346 Island Highway

REZ 2024-01

Description: The application proposes a multifamily development for a 94 unit building.

Application Materials:

Letter to Mayor & Council [PDF - 1 MB]

2024 04 05 Plans [PDF - 5 MB]


2024 07 09 COW Report

Status: Under Review


294 & 296 Eltham Rd &
242 Helmcken Rd

REZ 2023-04
Description: The application proposes a multifamily development for 20 units across two three storey buildings with shared underground parking.
Application Materials:

2023 09 14 Plans [PDF - 6 MB]


2024 02 06 Council Report

Bylaw No. 1130

2023 12 12 COW Report
2023 12 12 Staff Presentation

Status: Under Review



REZ 2023-02
Description: The application proposes to a new Comprehensive Development (CD) Zone to construct a six storey mixed-use development that includes approximately 61 market rental units, and ground floor commercial space for office or retail use. The proposal also includes an amendment to the Official Community Plan to change the existing land use designation from Neighbourhood Mixed Use to Neighbourhood Centre. 
Application Information:

2023 04 06 Letter to Mayor & Council [PDF - 156 KB]

2023 04 12 Plans [PDF - 6 MB]

Status: Under Review


339,341,345 Island Hwy

REZ 2023-01
Description: The application proposes the RM-3: Mixed Residential Zone to construct two six-storey multi-unit residential buildings with a total of 238 rental dwelling unit. The proposal also includes an amendment to the Official Community Plan.
Application Information:

2023 10 19 Revised Letter to Mayor & Council [PDF - 434 KB]

2023 04 25 Revised Letter to Mayor & Council [PDF - 770 KB]

2023 01 23 Letter to Mayor & Council [PDF - 142 KB]


2023 10 19 Revised Plans [PDF - 18 MB]

2023 06 06 Revised Plans [PDF - 61 MB]


Public Hearing Notice [PDF - 316 KB]

2023 12 05 Council Report

2023 12 05 Public Hearing Agenda

2023 11 07 Council Report
2023 11 07 Council Presentation

2023 06 13 COW Report

2023 06 13 Staff Presentation


Status: Approved


14 & 14A Helmcken Rd &

6 Camden Ave

REZ 2022-06


The application proposes a new Comprehensive Development (CD) Zone to construct a single three-storey multi-unit residential building with a total of 27 rental dwelling units. 

Application Information: 

2022 09 27 Letter to Mayor & Council [PDF - 199 KB]

2023 11 30 Revised Letter to Mayor & Council [PDF - 9 MB]
2022 08 16 Plans [PDF - 5 MB]

2023 11 30 Revised Plans [PDF - 7 MB]


2024 01 09  COW Report

Status: Under Review