Community Planning

Land DevelopmentLand Development includes a broad range of policy, regulatory and program initiatives including:

  • community and town-wide land use planning
  • urban design
  • heritage
  • planning applications including zoning, development and variance permits
  • demographic and other planning information services
  • permitting and inspections services
  • land subdivision
  • road, boulevard, sidewalk and bicycle lane construction
  • water, drainage and sewer servicing

The overall vision for how land is to be used and developed in View Royal is established by the Official Community Plan .The zoning established by the Land Use Bylaw specifies specifically how land can be used under existing rules. The Town's Tree Protection Bylaw  and a number of municipal, regional, provincial and federal laws and regulations help ensure land development minimizes its impact on the natural environment.

Depending on the development proposal or project being contemplated, land development in View Royal will require a property owner to make a series of applications for bylaw amendments and permits. This process often requires a property owner to engage qualified professionals to assist in this process.

The following table provides some general guidance on what application or permitting process you may have to consider.

Application for... Relating to... Approved by...
Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment Changes in land use or policy Council
Rezoning - Land Use Bylaw Amendment Changes in land use or density Council
Development Permits Design approval for commercial and multi-family development or development in environmental sensitive or hazardous areas Council
Development Variance Permit For variances to parking, building siting, dimensions and sizing, fencing, signage or servicing requirements Council
Board of Variance Permit For minor variances to building siting, dimensions and sizing, tree protection regulations and alteration of buildings with non-conforming uses Board of Variance
Temporary Commercial Use Permit Temporary permission to use land in a way that the zoning does not permit Council
Subdivision Land division, parcel consolidation or property boundary adjustments Approving Officer
Engineering Permits and Servicing Agreements Permission to construct new driveways, install new sewer and drain connections, construct or upgrade roads and services Engineering Staff
Tree Alteration and Removal Permits Permission to remove or alter protected trees Parks Staff or Council
Building Permits Permission to build or alter buildings and many types of structures Building Inspector
Sign Permits Permission to erect or replace a sign Development Services Staff or Council
Soil Deposit and Removal Permits Permission to deposit or remove certain amounts of soil Approving Officer